

org.usbguard -- 


getParameter (IN  s name,
              OUT s value);
setParameter (IN  s name,
              IN  s value,
              OUT s previous_value);


ExceptionMessage (s context,
                  s object,
                  s reason);


Method Details

The getParameter() method

getParameter (IN  s name,
              OUT s value);

name: value:

IN s name:

OUT s value:

The setParameter() method

setParameter (IN  s name,
              IN  s value,
              OUT s previous_value);

name: value: previous_value:

IN s name:

IN s value:

OUT s previous_value:

Signal Details

The "ExceptionMessage" signal

ExceptionMessage (s context,
                  s object,
                  s reason);

s context:

Description or identifier of the exception context.

s object:

Description or identifier of the object which caused the exception.

s reason:

Reason explaining why the exception was generated.